To simplify your school year and give you a sneak peek of what's to come, we are consolidating all shoppable items and events into one landing page. We will update this throughout the year, so be sure to check back often!


Click the item to be taken to the store of open items and events! 

Add as many items to your cart as you'd like before proceeding to Checkout.

NOTE: some items may not be available for purchase yet


Join CMS PTA (varies)

Cash 4 Colts (varies)

Happy Birthday Shout Outs ($20) 


Student Grams - buy ALL 5 in advance ($5 each)

Smartie Grams ($5) delivered August 22, orders close August 16

Spirit Wear Pre-Orders, store closes August 16

Back to School Social Wristband ($20) - August 23, 3:30pm - 5:30pm


Student Grams - buy remaining 4 pack ($5 each)

Colt Classic Golf Tournament - September 13, 8:00am


 Boo Grams ($5) - delivered October 31, orders close October 25


Staff Appreciation Pies - $35, delivered to staff on November 21st
Cotillion Registration Opens - $80 thru December 20th


Cotillion Registration Opens - $80 thru December 20th
Student Grams - buy remaining 3 pack ($5 each)
Candy Cane Grams
($5) - delivered December 18, orders close December 13



Cotillion Late Registration - $95 thru January 23rd


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